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How to write a Father’s Day card.




How to write a Father’s Day card.

Hi, everyone.
How are you doing?

You wrote a Mother’s Day card last month, didn’t you?
This month we’d like to show you how to write a Father’s Day card.
Please tell your father how much you respect and love him.

How to write.



*Useful phrases.

Happy Dad’s Day!
Bless you on Dad’s Day!
Dad, you’re the greatest! With love and gratitude!

  1. Forms of address:
    To the best Dad in the whole world.
    To the most reliable Dad in the world.
    My Dad is special.
  2. Tell him how much you appreciate him.
    I love you so much.
    Thank you always for your deep love.
    My love for Dad is unending.
    I send all my love and thanks to you.
    I give you all my love on Father’s Day.
    Thank you for your kindness.
  3. Tell him what you appreciate him for:
    Thanks for helping me with my school work.
    Thanks for playing with me.
    Thanks for telling me about places that you have visited.
    Thanks for teaching me how to use a computer (how to read a map).
    Thanks for playing soccer (baseball, tennis) with me.
    Thanks for showing me how to ride a bike (how to swim how to ski).
  4. About your present:
    Here’s a present for you on Father’s Day.
    I hope you like it.
  5. I give you 12 years of thanks.
    I’m honored to be your son.
    I hope you stay well forever.
    Thanks for everything Dad and keep well.

Let’s try!  Collect your ideas.


Let’s try! Try to write by yourself.

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