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How to write a self-introduction in English.






How to write a self-introduction in English.

Kenji will go to America for two weeks to joina summer camp there.
He will stay at Mr. Brown’s house, so he wants to send a letter to Mr. Brown.

Practice the three patterns.


Pattern 1:

You are Keiko Yamada.


① Date

② Your host family’s address:

103 Sunny Hill
Los Angeles, CA 11265

③ Your host family’s name:


④ The reason for your self-introduction:

To stay at your host family’s house
for three weeks in the summer

⑤ About your family:

You’re twelve years old.
You live in Chiba located in the east of Tokyo.
Your father is a doctor and your mother is a piano teacher.
Your sister is a high school student, and brother is a college student.
You’re the youngest in your family.

⑥ About yourself:

You’re a member of the dance club.
You’re not good at English, but you want to be able to speak English.
Your dream is to study dance in New York in the future.
So you will brush up your English during your stay this summer.
Your hobby is listening to music and watching musical movies.

⑦ Complimentary close:

I’ll do my best to enjoy new experiences.
to improve my English!
to know your country. etc……
I’m looking forward to seeing you all.

⑧ Your name:


Pattern 2:

You are Taro Suzuki.


① Date

② Your new school’s address:

265 White Drive
London, England

③ Your new teacher’s name:

Mr. Gordon

④ The reason for your self-introduction:

To enter a new school in London.
You will introduce yourself to your new teacher.

⑤ About your family:

You’re eleven years old.
You live in Osaka, the second largest city in Japan.
Your father works at a Japanese factory and your mother is a housewife.
Your father will transfer to the London branch next month.
You’re an only child.

⑥ About yourself:

You’re a member of the soccer club.
You want to join the soccer club in your new school.
You’re looking forward to seeing the Premier League in England.
You’re good at English, but you haven’t spoken with native speakers.
You like cooking. You want to make Japanese food and want your new
friends to try it.

⑦ Complimentary close:

I’ll do my best for everything and want to enjoy my new life in England.
I’m looking forward to seeing you all.


⑧ Your name:



Pattern 3:

About yourself..


① Date

② Your host parent’s address:

123 Brown Street
Sydney, Australia

③ Your host family’s name:

Mr. Jones

④ The reason for your self-introduction:

To stay at your host family’s house
for three weeks in the summer

⑤ About your family:

⑥ About yourself:

⑦ Complimentary close:

I’ll do my best to enjoy new experiences.
to improve my English!
to know your country. etc……
I’m looking forward to seeing you all.

⑧ Your name:


Let’s try! (Pattern 1)

Let’s try! (Pattern 2)

Let’s try! (Pattern 3)


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