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How to write a thank you letter to a host family.




How to write a thank you letter to a host family.

This month we’d like to show you how to write a thank you card.
You can use it for various occasions.

Yumiko is writing a thank you card to her host parents.

Practice the two patterns.

Pattern 1: (To your host parents)

You are Kazuya Sato.

  1. Date:
  2. Your host parent’s address: 1-9 South Norwood Hill
    London, SE25 6AA,
  3. Your host parent’s name: Mr. Parker
  4. Your appreciation:
    I just got to Japan without any trouble and go to school every day.
    I’m back in Japan now.
    Thank you for everything.
    Thanks for taking care of me during the homestay.
    I really appreciate it.
    I enjoyed a wonderful time.
    I really enjoyed staying with you.
    I became confident using English.
    I couldn’t understand English very well but your family spoke slowlyenough for me to follow.
    You told jokes and made me laugh.
  5. About your experiences:
    BBQ party was especially great.
    I won’t forget the view from your house.
    The sunset was very beautiful.
    I enjoyed shopping with you every week.
  6. About yourself:
    Big news!
    I was asked the way to the nearest station by an American boy yesterday.
    I was surprised of course! But I could understand what he said and tell him the way he wanted to go. I could improve my English during my stay.
    I promise to keep studying English harder.
  7. Complimentary close:
    Thanks again for the wonderful time.
    I’ll never forget my great experiences.
    I’ll never forget your hospitality.
    I’ll visit you again in the future after studying English hard.
    I’m looking forward to meeting you again someday.
    When you come to Japan, I’ll show you around.
  8. Your name:


Pattern 2:(to your friends)

You are Machiko Shimizu.
You are writing to your friends who went to summer camp with you in England.

  1. Date:
  2. Your ’s address: 117 Swanston Street
    Melbourne, VIC 3000
  3. Your friend’s name: John Lee
  4. Your appreciation:
    I’m back in Japan now.
    Thank you for everything.
    I really appreciate it.
    I enjoyed a wonderful time.
    I’ll never forget the great time I had with you and your family.
  5. About your experiences:
    It was hard, but I enjoyed camping in the mountains.
    I was happy to learn how to row a boat.
    It was a great experience for me to cut wood and make a fire.
    Because of your patience, I could understand everything and enjoy camping with you.
    I had a wonderful time with your family.
    I had a lot of great experiences in your country.
  6. About yourself:
    I’m going camping with my family next week.
    My father always makes a fire and pitches a tent.
    Now I can help him! I want to show my family what I learned at summer camp in England.
  7. Complimentary close:
    Thanks again for a wonderful time.
    I’ll never forget the time we spent together.
    Hope to see you next summer again.
    I’m very much looking forward to the day when I can meet you again.
    See you again someday.
    I can’t wait for when I can meet you again.
  8. Your name:

Pattern 3:

About yourself.

  1. Date
  2. Your host parent’s address: 758 Seventh Ave
    New York, NY 10019
  3. Your host family’s name: Mr. Garcia
  4. Your appreciation:
  5. About your experiences:
  6. About yourself:
  7. Complimentary close:
    I’ll do my best to enjoy new experiences.
    to improve my English!
    to know your country. etc……
    I’m looking forward to seeing you all.
  8. Your name:

Let’s try!

Pattern 1:


Pattern 2:


Pattern 3:

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